Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Improving your Memory-Tips and techniques to help you remember...

Improving your Memory-Tips and techniques to help you remember...

.. You know, that thing ... I forgot.

Great for students ... but other people might benifet of these tips, too.

Having trouble forgetting appointments, tasks, errands, feeding their children and pets, picking up after yourself, get out of bed ... forget not to mention birthdays, anniversaries and even?

If you're like many people, is often missing something. In the age of computers, PDAs and many other devices - like my be fine for some people, unless you forget to put those devices. Others may want to increase their ability to memorize things - luckily there are some creative ways you can improve your memory long and short term.

Use your senses and be aware

Experiment with creating images / concepts in your head intense - using all their senses. Explore your surroundings by sound, sight, smell, taste and touch. Be aware of all your senses will give your mind more ways to associate (and therefore remember) when it is time to remember something.

This is as a form of meditation - which is good for the brain in a variety of ways. 

Practice this tip just be more aware of their daily environment and find your memory much improved overall.

Humor and Vulgarity

If you need specific intent memorize something with humor or vulgarity as a memory aid.

Make a limerick or poem funny nasty or something that should be remembered and you will have a hard time forgetting. (Great advice for students).

Example: sometimes guitar students are taught to remember the common 5 string tuning EADGBE with this:

Each Asshole does good, but Eddie
Improving your Memory-Tips and techniques to help you remember...

Do not Worry, Be Aware

Much has been said about the power of positive thinking. Recently, a huge train of positive thinking = new-age theories of positive results have been on the tips of the tongue of everyone from Oprah to his employee local convenience store. Just do a Google search for "law of attraction" or "The Secret", if you are not in the loop of worship.

Negative thoughts tarnish our minds, but the cleanliness of the negative and focus on the positive also improves memory and concentration.

Stress is a great destroyer of brain, so minimize stress and negative thoughts that keep your wits.

Apt Quote: "What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can not move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good so far. Alternatively if life has not been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are not concerned that much longer "-. Douglas Adams

Seeing the future

Having trouble remembering the remaining tasks, appointments, meetings, deadlines, birthdays and other future events?

Here's the secret: When you know you have an upcoming event you do not want to forget, imagine yourself in the event. What are you doing, it's there, what's that smell? Imagine the case ... Better yet, imagine taking the steps leading to the event.

For example ... say that tomorrow you have to call the person. Imagine you are in your home / office, imagine picking up the phone, dial the number to imagine and talk to the person on the other end.


Association is among one of the easiest and tools used in learning. This is the process of taking the information to store, and link mentally to something else that is natural for you. When you learn something new, try to associate the new concept with which you are familiar.

Association to be aware Couple using all their senses and to be a higher rate of recovery success.

Chunky like your mom

Chunking information is a mnemonic to remember large number of elements. Many people use naturally fragmented remembering phone numbers: Instead of thinking "17342876642" lump us as 1-734-287-6642.

The concept of fragmentation comes from a famous 1956 article by George A. Miller: The magic number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information. If you are a fan of the classics of the history of psychology (I know, who is not?) You can read the original article here.

Write it

Improving your Memory-Tips and techniques to help you remember...
Usually we think of "writing things down" as a means to not have to remember anything. The paper does work - just have to remember where you put that piece of paper ...

However, writing things down has another effect: to clear your mind and takes the stress of "having to remember", and in doing so, actually have more space in your glass to remember things. I know that the explanation was not scientific, but it works.

To-do lists are defended by business gurus and soccer moms alike. Try to write everything for a week or two and see how much this improves memory and concentration.